Wednesday, 4 February 2015

The Stupidity Of The IMF (Kenya Version).

IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde shaking hands with Kenyan president Uhuru Kenyatta. 4 January 2014

The Stupidity Of The IMF (Kenya Version).
(A Short Piece)

Bankole Christopher Smart-cole (BSc)
Developed: 04 February 2015/ Researched Online: February 2015
© CC Publishers 2015

The IMF has given the country of Kenya $700m as an insurance loan/ policy to protect against threats to the country's economy. Threats by the way, which history has shown, will only be conducted by the negligence of the Kenyan Government per se. Note: More than half of the Kenyan population already live below the poverty line.
And if the Kenyan government in the past (even though the country being classified as one of Africa’s success stories), failed to observe the critical issues in the country such as the absence of Nomocracy, the continuation of the spread of Indigence, and the deterioration in all sectors of the Health Industry, then it's quite hard to see them in the future, observing/ committing to the IMF’s Insurance loan rules which state that Kenya should now manage their debt levels/ commit on infrastructure. 
Yet, we see the stupidity of the IMF once again at play here, as they still commit to a deceiving government.